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 nice to meet you

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for stopping by and getting to know me and learn more about my new and needed eco-friendly product.  My name is Chris Jackson, I am a coffee lover, and as a business man my entire adult life, I have learned to love my favorite morning (and after kids, anytime of day) drink on the go.  This idea was inspired one winter day enjoying a cold brew with my wife in one of our favorite coffee shops. Yes, I'm unique, I like cold drinks in the winter.   

I am somewhat of a traveler, born and raised in Atlanta, GA but have spent extensive time in Southern California and now residing in the lovely state of Colorado with my wife (supporter and encourager of my dreams) and 3 beautiful children.  For a big chunk of my adult life, I owned and operated an insurance agency with a masters in business marketing, but I never let go of my ability to dream outside of my business box.  This is where I began to craft my inspiration.  Why not...  I saw a need, and decided to follow through with it.  I believe we all have that "if only they made this, my life would be so much easier" thought in our heads, well the (they) became (I) and there we went.  I took my thoughts to my engineer friend where we developed my first CAD rendering of the plug I was envisioning.  I took it to a local 3D printer where the first prototype was born... Now, after much thought, careful adjustments and insight into what the market needs, the SippyStopper was crafted.  


Chris Jackson

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Leah Jackson

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